
Reconstructionist Congregations’ Interfaith Inclusion Policies and Practices (2021)

The Center conducted a Survey on Reconstructionist Congregations’ Interfaith Inclusion Policies and Practices released in October 2021. Responses were received from 48% of the movement’s congregations and havurot.

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Emerging Spiritual Communities’ Interfaith Inclusion Policies and Practices (2020)

The Center conducted a Survey on Emerging Spiritual Communities’ Interfaith Inclusion Policies and Practices in November and December 2020. Responses were received from 44 communities, 61% of the 72 invited to participate. A blog post compares the results with those of the Reform congregations survey, Who’s More Inclusive: Emerging or Legacy Spiritual Communities?

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Reform Synagogue Interfaith Inclusion Policies and Practices (2019)

The Center conducted a Survey on Reform Synagogue Interfaith Inclusion Policies and Practices (December 1, 2019 Report; December 12, 2019 Slides) in October and November 2019. Responses were received from 418 congregations, representing just under 50% of the 843 member congregations of the Union for Reform Judaism.

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Rabbinic Officiation for Interfaith Couples (2017)

Report on InterfaithFamily’s 2017 Survey on Rabbinic Officiation for Interfaith Couples
Spring 2018 (PDF) (Reprinted with permission of 18Doors (formerly InterfaithFamily)