
Analysis of National and Local Jewish Community Studies

The Center prepared Review and Analysis of the Interfaith Marriage Data
in the Pew Research Center’s Jewish Americans in 2020 Report

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The Center prepared an analysis of the Cohen Center’s research, What We’ve Learned About Interfaith Family Inclusion Since the Pew Report, in December 2020 and a blog post, What Local Community Studies Tell Us About Interfaith Family Inclusion.

Analysis of Other Reports

Game-changing Officiation Research: A Report on Under the Chuppah: Rabbinic Officiation and Intermarriage, December 1, 2016 (PDF)

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The Implications for Interfaith Families of Definitions of Jewishness: A Report on the Jewish People Policy Institute’s Exploring the Jewish Spectrum in a Time of Fluid Identity, December 1, 2016 (PDF)

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A Review of the 2015 Greater Boston Jewish Community Study, December 2, 2016 (PDF)